Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Is Blogging the Right Career Choice for You in 2018

Is blogging the right career choice
Ever since people have started to see the pro bloggers growing, they dream about chasing their passion for writing. But not everything you dream about can come true. Is blogging the right career choice?
When you take a decision to devote your whole life to one thing which will change everything, you should think twice.
Choosing a career will transform your whole life. I have seen many people have regretted their career choice. I am sure you wouldn’t want to make the same mistake.

The blogosphere is an amazing arena of the talented people who have raised the bar to success. There are many questions which may be popping in your head right now.
And that’s right, you should learn what’s good for you. Asking a question to yourself “Is blogging the right career choice” is the first thing.
Every person is attracted to the shiny side of every working field.

Why do You Want to Pursue the Professional Blogging

Isn’t the first time you have been asked this question. Isn’t it? Well, you truly need to find out what’re the things you’re going to dig during your blogging journey.
Let me give you some choices.
  • You love what you want to write about
  • You want your online presence (Google Enthusiast)
  • You want to build your personal brand
  • You want to build a business
  • You want to teach people
  • Money making is the thing you really want
  • All of the above
Normally, you get four options but I have elaborated a little bit. Are you confused?
If you choose the money making option, you’re wrong. That’s what everyone will say it to you. But if you think practically, eventually, you start to make a living out of blogging.

Having a corporate job suck, not for everyone but it does. If we leave that aside, you should consider starting with your passion to teach others, that’s also great.
What if I say every option given above is perfect?
People have the different reasons  but their success is dependent on their work quality and the pace they maintain.
According to me, it doesn’t matter why you start blogging. It’s just you decide to take an initiative, that’s what makes the difference.

This is where the conquerors are born. Living a life on your own terms is something I always recommend. Wow!!!… Don’t be so excited.
Think whether you can hold this before taking the final decision.

What it Takes to be Successful in Any Professional Working Field

Before to jump into the blogging bit of billions of blog, you should learn a few things. If you can pass this test, you will never ask “Is blogging the right career choice or not” to anyone.
#1. Are You Ready to Face the Failure
Whether you’re starting a simple blog or a Million Dollars company, the first thing is to prepare yourself for every possible bad situation.
You should know that more than 65% of the bloggers leave blogging just after a few months or 1 year.
If making a fortune out of blogging was so easy, everyone would be a millionaire today. You will see the traffic surging and suddenly Google hit you with an algorithm update and everything will change.
I am not here to scare you, it’s just what happens with most of the bloggers. I remember when I started and faced the challenges of growing BloggingLove.
I still do work hard to make it better every day. So if you have the guts to pass this phase, you’re good to start your first blog.
#2. You Know the Value of Consistency
I always say that if you can’t write regularly, you can’t achieve the goal you have dreamt about. When I say that, people start asking the questions.
  • What’s the best time to publish a post
  • How often should I publish
  • How to drive more traffic
  • What’s the best way to keep the consistency
Don’t you think you should start learning these things on your own? Having the curiosity is really good, but turning into the obsession isn’t what I would like.
The post publishing time and the frequency are different for every blog. Personally, if you can have enough time to promote your posts, you should publish every single day.
That’s what most of the popular blogs do and many others.
Some people prefer to post once a week. It’s up to your schedule. But if you want to do successful blogging, you have to publish more and more.
#3. Quality matters
should you choose blogging as a career
Nothing is better than having a blog with the qualitative articles. You need to make sure that every blog post should be worth reading.
You should make people stay for as long as you can. Many things depend on their presence.
If we talk about a technical term, the bounce rate of your website is also dependent on your readers. People don’t want to read something which is boring.
Spark it up with your creative writing style.
“Content is King”
Everyone in this blogosphere is taught that no matter what, you should always focus on the quality. When I said publish daily, it meant without sacrificing the quality.

Is Blogging the Right Career Choice: Did You Figure this Out

If you’re still wondering if want to take blogging as a career or not then let me clear it. If you have the patience and can keep the consistency for a few years, you should definitely go for it.
But if you dream to start making money within a few months then blogging isn’t for you. It’s a long process.
People invest years and years just to make a brand name for them. Money is always a factor to focus on but not too much.
Sometimes, the quality of the article gets ruined by too much monetization. Think about it, analyze the web, read others’ content, make a strategy, and then decide.
If you still keep asking “Is blogging the right career choice” then clear your thoughts. You can also comment and share what you have in your mind

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